Friday Nov 19, 2021
The Morning Break with Dorian Brown 19-11-21: Subject associations & edublogging
Dorian is joined by The President of The Geographical Association Alan Parkinson to discuss the role that subject associations have in helping craft curricula, drive subject knowledge developments and supporting teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools.
We touch on ‘what next?’ following COP26, managing workloads and what it is like to work outside the classroom as a freelance educator.
Amongst his many many roles, Alan manages time to be a prolific blogger and has been sharing resources, ideas and reflections for over 20 years and Dorian asks what his secret is!
All views expressed by Alan are personal and not the views of the Geographical Association.
Links mentioned in the show:
RGE Report “I didn’t have any teachers that looked like me”:
GEO: the GA's sister site with resources and online lectures:
A blog featuring a biography of all 106 GA Presidents, written by myself over the last three years:
GA Professional Passport: Alan’s Blog - click on his profile to see links to all his my other blogs!